Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bread Pizza

Hi everyone.... hope you people liked my previous post... Some of my friends told me that they tried it and it came out well for them...  Today I am going to post about a quick snack that  you can prepare whenever you are in hurry... I love pizza and this is the quickest pizza that I can make... The recipe is for Bread Pizza....

Ingredients :

Bread Slices - 2
Grated Cheese – ½  cup
Tomato Ketchup - 2 tablespoon
Paneer – ½  cup (either sliced or grated)
Capsicum – ½  cup 
Tomato – ½  cup
Chilli seeds – ½  spoon

Take the bread slices and apply the tomato ketchup evenly. Cut or grate all the rest of the ingredients. One by one put all the ingredients on top of the ketchup in such a way that all are placed evenly on bread. At last on top of the ingredients put the cheese. If you want to have more cheese add it accordingly. Now place the slices of bread in a Microwave oven for 5 min at high temperature. Your bread pizza is ready. 

Hope all of you liked it... Meet you again with a new recipe next time.... :-)