Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rasmalai (Rasgulla)

Hi Everyone... Hope you tried my previous recipe... today am going to add a recipe for Rasmalai... hmm it's my husband's favorite sweet dish.... I have already showed you how to make rasgulla in my previous post (Rasgulla)... So let's start with the process of making yummy rasmalai... 

Below is the Recipe...

First make the Rasgulla, the recipe I have posted in my previous post - Link . The ingredients needed for Rasmalai is

Milk - 3 cups
Sugar - 2 ½ tablespoon
Cardamon - a pinch powdered
Almond & Pistachio - a tablespoon to garnish

First prepare the Rasgulla and then in a pan pour the Milk and let it boil... stir occasionally... Let the milk get reduced to around 2 cups... add the cardamon powder and mix well... take the Rasgulla and press it a bit to remove the syrup from it and add it into the milk... let it cool for few minutes and then garnish it with Pistachio and Almonds... Refrigerate it and serve chilled...

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Hi Everyone...  First of all thanks to all of you who tried my last recipe and gave their feedback... Well tomorrow being a holiday I am going to give you a recipe for a sweet dish which is very famous in India... This sweet is made or brought mainly during festive times... Its a very simple recipe but many times people dont try it...It is a syrupy sweet dish originally from Orissa. I prepared it and everyone liked it... Below is the recipe for the same...

Ingredients :

Milk - 2 litre
Lime - 2 spoon
Sugar - 2 cups
Water - 3 cups

In a pan boil the Milk first. Take the lime and mix with 4 tbsp of water and pour this into the boiling milk. Stir the Milk continuously until the whey water separates and milk curdles completely. Once the Milk curdles take a Muslin Cloth and pour the Curdled Milk into it. Keep this under tap water and wash the Paneer thoroughly to get rid of the lemon smell. Once it is done squeeze the Paneer properly to remove the excess water. 

Take the paneer and mash it properly in a rough surface to make it smooth. The more smooth you make the paneer the more good the rasgulla's will be. knead the paneer for few minutes until you get a smooth dough. Now divide the dough into equal portions and roll them into smooth balls. See to that there is no crack in the balls. Take a pressure cooker and put the sugar and water together and boil it to make the syrup. Once the syrup starts boiling add the paneer balls into it. keep the flame to minimum and close the pressure cooker. keep it for 10 mins. Once the vapour is released open the pressure cooker and you will find the rasgulla in double size. You can take it to a serving bowl and keep it in refrigerator and serve it chilled. 

Its a very easy recipe... hope all of you will give a try... Meet you again with a new post...  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bread Pizza

Hi everyone.... hope you people liked my previous post... Some of my friends told me that they tried it and it came out well for them...  Today I am going to post about a quick snack that  you can prepare whenever you are in hurry... I love pizza and this is the quickest pizza that I can make... The recipe is for Bread Pizza....

Ingredients :

Bread Slices - 2
Grated Cheese – ½  cup
Tomato Ketchup - 2 tablespoon
Paneer – ½  cup (either sliced or grated)
Capsicum – ½  cup 
Tomato – ½  cup
Chilli seeds – ½  spoon

Take the bread slices and apply the tomato ketchup evenly. Cut or grate all the rest of the ingredients. One by one put all the ingredients on top of the ketchup in such a way that all are placed evenly on bread. At last on top of the ingredients put the cheese. If you want to have more cheese add it accordingly. Now place the slices of bread in a Microwave oven for 5 min at high temperature. Your bread pizza is ready. 

Hope all of you liked it... Meet you again with a new recipe next time.... :-) 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Unniyappam -

After coming to Kuwait my main job is cooking.... In India I use to cook once in a while but here I have to cook on a daily basis as I have become a homemaker...hence at the end of the day I need to give the best food for my hubby... He loves my cooking and the way it turns out to be... Though we get everything over here but its very costly compared to India. I really miss being in Chennai... I created this blog a long time ago but I dint get time to do blogging so far. As I was going through many blogs I felt why don't I come up with my own blog for cooking. To start up with I am going to give you the recipe for a traditional Kerala snack called Unniyappam. It is a traditional snack prepared during festive times... My hubby inspired me to prepare this as he likes this a lot... I was doubtful when i started to prepare it as I dint have the Unniyappam pan but i managed to prepare it using normal pan. 

The recipe is as below 

  • Rice Flour - 2 cup
  • Banana - 2 ripe (mashed properly)
  • Jaggery - 3/4 cup
  • Cardamon powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Sesame Seeds - 1tsp
  • Coconut bits - 3 tbsp 
  • Ghee or oil to fry
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Aniseed (Perinjeerakam) Powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Milk - One glass (Optional)
First take the Rice flour and put cardamon powder, sesame seeds, Aniseed and salt into it and mix properly. In another vessel mash the banana properly and mix with the flour. In a pan heat oil and fry the coconut bits. Mix the fried coconut with the rice flour. Head a pan and melt the jaggery and pour slowly into the Rice flour. See to that it is mixed properly. If batter is too thick add little milk to it. 

The consistency of batter should be similar to idli batter.  keep it aside for 2 hrs to 3 hrs. 

Take a pan and pour the oil and heat it. Start pouring the batter slowly and fry it in medium heat. Take it out when the colour changes to brownish yellow.

Serve hot and do keep it in an air tight container for storage. 

Hope all of you liked it... do leave your valuable comments :-)